; Forex Danger XXL: December 2013


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Saturday, 14 December 2013

Funny forex or how not to "make" money

Prayer for the Forex trader.

Yes, God save us:
From daily worries.From breakdown of the false. 
From trend empty. From broker - Imp. 
From shoulder advantage. From "moose" breakdown. 
From mains failure. From the secondary error.
From prices of hysterical.
Give us, O God, confident hands and a head tranquil. Amen! 
       The reason for the lack of money - a complete lack of financial education

         As a professor sells to his students twenty-dollar  for two hundred bucks

        Funds take away from students of the MBA program is easier than to take candy from a baby. By the time of graduation, as a rule, is not required - they start binging and right. Although people laugh, clearly overwhelmed in mental abilities , inhumane - this story about MBA students deserves to be in the public domain.

         Each year, Professor Max Bazerman sells MBA students from Harvard Business School twenty-dollar  is much higher than the nominal. His record - sale $ 20 for $ 204. And he does it in the following way.