; Forex Danger XXL: September 2014


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Wednesday, 17 September 2014

My investments on Forex

Are you want  have tomorrow  something which  do not had today? Then do today what not  did  yesterday.

     Investing - it's just a plan. Plan, mechanical adherence to which is almost certain leads you to wealth. It's boring, it does not "drive" as on Wall Street. In the process of investing is not  possible of losing all your money. 
Investing practically not carries risks. Those who risk and lose their money, it's not the investors and speculators. And, obviously not unsuccessful speculators, which not following the basic rules of money management. Investing purports to buy a particular asset. You do not have to look at  rates and follow for the financial news. On the contrary, will have to learn how to colder treat all news and forecasts that you hear.