; Forex Danger XXL: 2015


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Saturday, 18 July 2015

HOW to make a MILLION on FOREX with $1

  It is not possible to say a lot , but just below you'll see a couple of reasons.

       Would you agree to exchange $ 1 for 1 million dollars?
       I think the answer would be yes .
       It all starts with one piece of paper in denominations 
of $ 1, that would make this bill a million using bank instruments - 5,10,15 and 20 % per annum.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Risk management for You


    What is the risk? In the most common vision, risk means the risk of loss. In any activity there is always a risk of loss arising from the specifics of certain actions. Completely avoid the risk is almost impossible, but it can be reduced or eliminate. I will Show you simple ways how to avoid the risk of investing on Forex.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Welcome and any free money welcome

     Forex trading is not the worst thing that could happen.....
       With worries and anxieties of people usually go to the priest, in extreme cases, to the doctor, but the priest did not say, "Father, I have invested a lot of money in Forex and now I experience, and suddenly  is it scam?".